I've been neglecting the blog of late, but Saturday encouraged me to write something!
First off, after a bit of DIY (something else that gets neglected!) I jumped in the car with the geomutt to grab caches 2999 and 3000, which were a couple of new puzzle caches not far from home. I'd solved one of them, but the other eluded me, so I decided to resort to chance, knowing that they were likely to be on the same footpath.
Found the first one easily enough, then tottered off down the path with the clue in mind, and found cache No.3000 in the second place I looked!
Onto the main event of the day....you may have read a blog of mine earlier this year about me bidding for (and winning) 2 tickets to see Spandau Ballet with backstage passes thrown in. Well, Saturday was the day.
Over the last couple of weeks, I've been exchanging voicemail and texts with Alison Hadley (Tony Hadley's wife no less, which makes me sound like a bit of a name-dropper!). She assured me that the tickets and passes would be at the Box Office for collection on the night.
We arrived nice and early, at around 6.30pm, just in case there was a problem, and it was a good thing we did!
I asked the (rather grumpy) lady in the ticket office if there were some tickets left for me.....nothing....oh dear....
I called Alison Hadley.....voicemail.....oh dear....dismay!!!!
I left here a message, and settled in hoping for a response. In the meantime, I spoke to a very helpful Steward, who got on the case trying to contact someone backstage to find my tickets.
While he was doing his stuff, Alison finally called me back, and told me she was also on the case.
Progress !
My phone then rang again, this time, it was Tony Hadley's manager! My tickets were on the way! I returned to the (rather grumpy) woman in the ticket office, and explained the situation, and that she should expect my tickets to arrive shortly. She gave me a look that said "You chancer, trying to blag some tickets". The look on her face was a picture when the guy walked in with the tickets :-)
Finally, we got inside the Arena, only to realised that we didn't have backstage passes! Anyway, we found our seats, and I sloped off to talk to security at the side of the stage. As I was talking to them, Alison called me again to make sure I had got in.
A very nice chap then arrived and waved us through to meet the band!!
We met all 5 of them, had our photos taken, and got them all to sign our programme.

We went back to our seats and waited for the show to begin, and what a show it was!!!! They were absolutely brilliant, one of the best gigs I've ever been to.
A thoroughly cracking night out!