A top night was had by all, and I managed to behave myself at this one after the furore at the last one.....for those of you who don't know what happened....this is my log from Brummie Meet 3 on the 4th of March this year......
Well, what an evening that turned out to be. It started off with great beer, great chat and the usual great people.
At 10.20, there was only a few of us left, and I offered to get some drinks. The barmaid kindly informed me that due to an "IT" error (I suggested turning it off and turning it back on again), they couldn't serve beer, so I asked to see the manager. He came out (actually a scruffy chav walked out), and it was soon established that they could in fact serve beer, but he wasn't prepared to let me have any as the till wasn't working. He then went off into a rather long monologue about "my job's not worth it" (*which was of little interest, I just wanted a pint!). I offered to give him the correct money, or a bit more, to cover the cost of the drinks so that he could sort it out later. This didn't appear to acceptable to him, so I told him what I though of the service and made my way back to the safety of the allotted cachers area, only to turn around and find that the "manager" (I use the phrase loosely) had followed me and was obviously looking for an argument....so I obliged by giving him an argument!!!!
After a rather loud altercation in the middle of the pub, he asked me to leave, I didn't. After saying my goodbyes to the remaining cachers, Mark (the evenings non-cacher) and I decided to retire to a more customer-focussed establishment nearby. After calming down somewhat (another beer always helps!), the door swung open and in walk AJIGeo, The Strangler and Mumbo Jumbo!
More geochat for a while, then off home!
Aplogies to anyone who witnessed the "events", although I rather think you all found it somewhat entertaining!
Apologies also to Mark (who obviously won't be reading this) and to Harry the Furry Squid, for whom I was unable to buy a drink!
I also appear to have inherited the log book, and am now responsible for organising Brummie Meet 4. I fear we may have to look for yet another venue, as I may be barred from Bennetts! I've been to Bennetts many times over the years, and sadly it doesn't appear to be the place it used to be, which is rather sad as the beer was very good, and the company fantastic as usual.
Thanks to mj and The Strangler for organising it, a fun night in more ways than one!
T4TE. Stokesy.
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